Plight of the Fat Bellydancer

The epidemic of the fat bellydancer is sweeping the nation.
“Any body can do it!” shouts the fat acceptance shill.
With just a sense of rythym she expects to become a sensation
but some fitness is required to perform the dance with skill.
Abdominal muscle motion doesn’t show when you’re a whale.
To play the role of Salome she’ll need a bigger veil.

“Fight objectification!”she Vehemently protests.
She been told the unfair sex cruelly coopted her dance.
In truth her male voyeurs are anything but pests.
She longs for the occasion to reject  sexual advance.
These desires put her at odds with the feminist religion.
Thou must not enjoy the male gaze, not even just a smidgen.

Though she dances often, her heart rate never rises.
Jiggling fat she refers to as an “epic shimmy”
Validate every inch of me I demand you gimme.
Why do pretty costumes not come in bigger sizes?!
If I thought she really loved her physique she could, maybe, gain a pass.
Perhaps then I could tolerate her ginormous jingling ass.